
Local support for local families.

Our group is unique in that we believe that our support should be kept local. We are not a big organisation and only operate in the Lowestoft and surrounding areas, therefore, we can only help local families in those areas. We want to be more than just a Facebook group. We would like to offer friendly chats over a coffee, pamper nights for relaxation and unwinding and counselling if our members need it.

No family should have to go through this awful experience alone and we want to try our hardest to support everyone. Whether that be a chat with another group member or a with a trained counsellor. We also work very closely with Birth Voices East - a volunteer group that work with James Paget Hospital and the Local Maternity and Neonatal System leaders to represent the voices of local pregnant people, new parents and their birth partners on maternity services around Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Beccles and Southwold.

Please visit our Support for families page to find out how we can help you.

Justine Maher