Support for families
We know exactly how hard it is to get support when you experience pregnancy or baby loss. You feel alone, like nobody else can possibly feel the pain that you are going through. You are right! Nobody else will feel your pain because it’s YOURS. However, we can UNDERSTAND what you are going through. We know that you will experience a mixture of emotions; pain, anger, sadness, guilt and anxiety to mention just a few.
We do not want you to experience this alone .
There are many ways in which Angels and Rainbows can help:
1) Be-friender scheme - we will appoint another group member volunteer who will be happy to chat over the phone or with you or via messenger.
2) Regular meetings - We have regular meetings which are open to anyone in the group. These can be anything from coffee mornings, Afternoon Tea or pamper evenings.
3) Counselling session - we can provide counselling sessions with a trained counsellor if you need a professional to talk to.
Please email Justine at angelsandrainbowsgroup@gmail.com for more information or join our Facebook Group.