Our members thoughts & reviews
“After the loss of our daughter I felt so empty and alone, I hadn’t been offered any support and couldn’t find anything locally. Just after having our rainbow baby the following year I came across this group and I didn’t feel alone anymore. The amazing people in this group have been so supportive, I’m so grateful to Justine for setting it up.”
— Natasha Newman
“The group really helped me, as I was feeling completely picked on by the world, I felt like Rafe an I didn’t fit in anywhere anymore. I was also worried that would feel consumed by the grief and sadness for the rest of my life. Joining the group helped me feel a part of something again, I didn’t feel like a freak show anymore, that everyone was whispering about, but didn’t dare talk to me about it. I also saw brave women that were further along in their journey, that had found happiness again. It was a massive help to me and gave me hope.”
— Natasha Garforth
“I was so glad to find Angels and rainbow's, this group is an amazing supportive group where we get together and talk about losses and about our experiences and how people feel they could have been helped more and how we can help others going through the same thing.. I also like that we have meet ups with our rainbow babies too”
- Lisa Oakley