Care packages for parents
An experience such as a pregnancy and baby loss is something that no family should have to go through and although we can not take the pain away for you, we want you to know that we are all here for you and we can and will support you from the beginning.
One way that we can do this is to provide care packages while you are in Hospital. Each care packages comes in its own beautiful fabric bag that has been kindly donated to us by the public. Each bag contains the following: *
A scented candle
A pack of tissues
Pen and notepad ( to take to appointments )
A bracelet
Comfort rainbows (one for you and one for your little one)
Wax Melts
If for any reason you were not given one of these at the hospital, please let us know and we can arrange for you to be sent one. Or if you would like to purchase one for a family, we require a £5 minimum donation. Please contact us for further information.
Thank you.
* Please note that these items are subject to change depending on availability. If we do not have some items, they will be replaced with something else that is suitable.
“Hiya just wanna say I got my beautiful care package this morning just wanted to say thank you so much really mean a lot it’s so special.”
— Tiffany