5 ways to support someone through baby loss
If someone you know has recently lost a baby answer you are not sure how to help them, here are 5 ways to support them.
1) Acknowledge their loss - You may find that you can't find the right words to say to someone who has lost their baby but do not ignore their loss altogether. A simple text to say that you are sorry and you are there for them is sometimes all is needed for them to know that you care.
2) Give them emotional support - Research charities and groups that will help them through their grief. Check in on them to make sure they are OK and offer to help them find the support they need.
3) Give them space if they want it - You may find that they want space and time to grieve for their little one. Losing a baby is one of the worst things anyone can go through, not only are they grieving for the life they have lost they will grieve the life that they would of had if their baby was here. They may not be up for social activities for a long time.
4) Stay in touch, long term - They may not need your help and support right away but they will need you eventually so please check in on them even when more time has passed. They will be grieving for a long time.
5) Support them in remembering their little one - if they named their baby, use their name when you talk about them. Send a card on anniversaries and big dates like Christmas and Mother's Day. These dates throughout the year can be particularly tough. Check in on them throughout baby loss awareness week as this will also be a tough time for them.
Don't forget that we are here to support any family in Norfolk and Suffolk through pregnancy and baby loss.